2018 - 2019 Board of Directors

President.................Steve Riedel (2020)

Vice President.........Cynthia Gould (2020)

Treasurer.................Daniel Cunningham (2018)

Secretery/Administrator........Regina Futia (2019)

Trustees............ Kathleen Trobridge (2018)                                  Cynthia Maclutsky (2018)

                                 Jack Cunningham (2020)

                                 Richard Barnes (2019)

                                 Karin Giacone (2020)

Our Cemetery

Bethlehem Cemetery is a privately-owned and non-denominational cemetery located at the intersection of Kenwood Avenue and Elsmere Avenue in Delmar, NY, just south of Albany.  The Cemetery has served the community for over 150 years, and covers approximately 30 acres, ensuring availability for many future generations.

The Cemetery is administered by a volunteer Board of Directors.  We receive no funds from any local, state, or federal government entity.  Operations are funded through lot sales, investments, and donations.

We are regulated by the State of New York Division of Cemeteries as a 501(c)(13) not-for-profit corporation.

Current board members of the Bethlehem Cemetery Association are active in the New York State Association of Cemeteries (NYSAC).  NYSAC offers cemetery personnel opportunities for continuing education, sharing of best practices, and updates on legislative and regulatory issues affecting New York cemeteries.

​​​​Bethlehem Cemetery

~ Serving Our Community Since 1865 ~